2023: Men in their borrowed cassocks and jokes taken too far - NIGERIAN NEWSORBIT



Friday, July 22, 2022


2023: Men in their borrowed cassocks and jokes taken too far


      Ajibola Oluwafidipo
As images and videos of different men in different cassocks keep springing up on social media on daily basis, the first question that comes to mind is whether morality and sanity are outrightly dead in Nigeria or has desperation blindfolded our religious and political reasonings?

One will ask, can anyone all in the name of money agree to take up the role of an Ifa priest, putting on designated attire without first considering the consequences? Should we agree that hunger has finally caused mental retardation that a roadside mechanic will agree to stand in place of a Bishop in order to validate the nomination of a Muslim running mate in a religious troubled nation like ours?

Let me not bother myself on the issue of a Muslim -Muslim ticket, because that is not my focus, the extent at which the power thirsty individuals can go is my major concern. How can a leader promise the people good governance if the foundation is laid on lies, dishonesty, forgery and shaddy circumstances?

Let us begin on a note that, who were the men in cassocks? What will prompt an apprentice to go to an unreasonable length of impersonation? Should we say that all Pastors have the legitimate right to be a Bishop? Are there no process or criteria for being referred to as Bishop? Why would a Pastor who own a Church in Abuja, be holding on to the fact that he is worthy to be called a Bishop? Is he a bonafide member of the Christian Association of Nigeria?.

Without relegating the office of any minister of God, are the so called Pastors if there are any among the so called fake Bishops even consider the plight of average Nigerians? Or are the so called rented Bishops who are legitimate masses, those who are also feeling the pangs of hunger, bad governance and mismanagement even consider that their contributions will further prolong the days of this nation in the wilderness of corrupt leaders and bad governance?

As Nigerians are still living in dismay over the degrading behaviour that some people can condescend to hire men on the streets, adorn them in Bishop apparel and paraded them as Men of God, Nigerians are equally without microscope watching the extent of desperation of the so called power intoxicated leaders and the undeniable effects of hardship that will lead people into spiritual impersonation.

As we wake up to the reality of the moral deterioration in our religious arena, religious followers should not hesitate to call their so called religious leaders to order or question their misdemeanor.

In Conclusion, as we gather enough momentum towards 2023, let us be open minded and always entrench morality, spirituality and reality, that they are covering up with lies is an indication that it will end in lies, righteousness exalts a nation, sin is a reproach.

Ajibola Oluwafidipo is 
Public Relations expert, media strategist, content creator, narrative manager, a trained curator and Archivist. He can be reached via 08060288119

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